
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Pan's Labyrinth & Fairy Tales

This blog is going to be a little different. I am going to go into details about the different fairy tales in Pan's Labyrinth. Let me just say that this movie is awesome! I love everything about it! I love how the director incorporated a dark twisted fairy tale story into the post-Spanish war. It was very intriguing, and I was trying to figure out before I watched the movie how the director was going to incorporate the Spanish war and fairy tales.

In the movie Pan's Labyrinth, you noticed how Ofelia step-father treats her horrible but treats her mother like a princess. Of course in your typical Cinderella story it's always the daughter getting mistreated by her step-mother. Except in Pan's Labyrinth, it's a twisted. It's a step-father that hates her and the feelings are mutual between the two.  Ofelia mother Carmen doesn't see the tension between the two. Instead, she just thinks Ofelia is acting out because she know's her step-father isn't her  biological father.

Another fairy tale movie that I noticed in Pan's Labyrinth is Alice Adventures in Wonderland. The reason that I compare this fairy tale in the particular movie is because you see Ofelia going off into the wilderness and interacting with magical creatures and roaming outside.  Everything that Ofelia does is outside, in the woods or underground near the bugs. (YUCK!) All I could think of during the scene when she interacts with the magical toad is how dirty she's becoming in the mug.

Ofelia is fascinating! She does her own thing and doesn't pay attention to rules. I'm surprised that she made it through the movie because she was so strong willed and she wanted to do her own thing. Moreso, she just really followed her heart more than her mind. For example, I compare the scene of her eating the forbidden fruit to Aladdin. Aladdin is known for breaking so many rules, and that's exactly what Ofelia did! She ate the fruit even though the Faun told her not too! All she had to do was three simple tasks. Of course, there're consequences to her actions.  Aladdin is known for making too many mistakes without knowing the consequences of his actions. Unfortunately, Ofelia didn't know that she was supposed to make certain mistakes to get to her father. What if Ofelia did kill her brother? What do you think would have happened? 

As far as the visual style goes for Pan's Labyrinth. He focuses on the rule of three. From what I research on rule of three is:

"The rule of three is a common storytelling device and rhetorical technique. As a storytelling device, you find it most often in fairy tales, myths, and fables, but it’s common in all forms of literature, poetry, and songwriting." (indieplottwist)

You can see how he made sure there is three of everything because he wants to show maybe if Ofelia does something wrong the third time or try to attempt the third task it will keep the audience on their feet. She had to choose from three mailboxes to enter to key, there is three fairies that guided Ofelia through the movie, one of the fairies died because Ofelia awaken the monster by eating the forbidden fruit. 
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Monday, November 16, 2015


The film Water really focuses on the cultural/spiritual relationship between Radha and Krishna. You can see that the relationship between Kalyani and Narayan was an instant connection. I believe that they were already connected by the universe. Just like how Radha and Krishna. Krishna pretty much controls Radha with her love. They are unbreakable. Even though Kalyani is a widow and is technically not allow to me remarried again. Her love for Narayan was so strong she couldn't fight it and had to marry him, 

Chuiya! I want to talk about Chuiya, she is the cutest character ever! I feel really bad that she had to take the bad wrap for Kalyani because Kalyani was no longer going to be the "prostitute" of the house, they took Chuiya for granted and made her in charge of taking care of their clients. I was so happy that Didi stood up for Chuiya  and wash Chuiya sins away. (Water is used a lot in this movie, as a symbolic representation of their religion). She then took Chuiya away and wanted Chuiya to be with Narayan because she felt that he would take good care of her! I do feel like Chuiya got robbed for her youth, and childhood. 

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Music & Hercules

I picked this movie because it is my favorite movie! I love the soundtrack in this movie. For example, in this scene the narrator begins to tell a greek tragedy. So the ladies took over and retold the greek story! The music makes you want to get up and dance. It makes you feel good, and sounds like it's telling you a story but in the gospel way! Check out the clip!
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Monday, November 2, 2015


I absolutely love this TV show. I have seen all eight seasons. I even watched each season backward starting from season eight. Anything magical catches my eye. In other words, anything that uses a lot of special effects catches my eye. :)

My favorite scene from Charmed would have to be when Leo or Paige Orbs into a different place/room. You can see this special effect before Paige disappears.

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South Africa & Tsotsi

Oh, South Africa! 

South Africa is a beautiful country. My step-mother is from South Africa.I haven't been there myself, but my family has. The first picture is Phezulu (safari park) which is located on the outer coast of West Durban. The second picture is located in Blackburn- Hillhead (Sibaya Casino). My family tries to go to South Africa at least once a year. Maybe, I can convince my father to take me on the next trip. *WINK WINK*
Left to right: Father( Delton), Sister (A'dell Lethu), Step-Mother (Gugulethu), Brother (Kylen Mwale) 


When I was talking to my step-mother Gugu, I asked her about the movie Tsotsi. She said she's not a fan of the film herself, but she saw it in 2005. So, I also asked her what do the songs translate to in the movie? She told me the language they are rapping/speaking was in Zulu. Unfortunately, Zulu is hard to explain in English. She also said that the movie has a mixed language between Zulu, Sotho, and Xhosa. The dialogue can be confusing at times if you're  trying to translate because they're incorporating several different languages. 



In this picture above, you can see Tsotsi and his crew walking around the neighborhood during the song "Mdlwembe." Mdlewmbe means delinquent. This song is appropriate for this scene because Tsotsi also known as David and his crew walked past another gang. You can overhear one of the guys say "Little Gangsta."  That's when Tsotsi gives him the side eye and the middle finger. Below you can hear the song that was played during this scene. 

Ehlala Ezola 

Tsotsi beating Boston
During this scene when Tsotsi is beating Boston. I'm not sure if the music fits this view? I mean from the looks of it, it does look dangerous doesn't it? The song Ehlala Ezola is an upbeat tune. In the beginning of this scene, you can see everyone drinking and dancing. But when Tsotsi beats Boston, everyone seems to back away.  Ehlala Ezola according to Gugu talks about drinking, dancing, and eating with friends. Having a good time. The song doesn't fit the scene when Tsotsi and Boston are fighting. 

Woof Woof 

 The song Woof Woof, according to Gugu talks about running away from your problems. Every time we do something wrong we have to run away like a dog. After Tsotsi beats Boston, you can see him running and  running until he gets to his next destination. 

Munt Omnyama
Munt Omnyama talks about poor people finding a way.  They are always going to find a way out. In this scene, you can see Tsotsi feeding the baby condense milk. Tsotsi is going to find a way to feed the baby even though he's poor.

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Thursday, October 8, 2015

Whale Rider

First off, Whale Rider was ah-maz-ing! I absolutely love everything about this movie. Although, it did start off slow... It didn't catch my attention right away. However, whenever the plot of the story, begins to climax. I was already intrigued by the magical folk tale.

Pai & Kora

In the movie Whale Rider, you noticed a constant theme. Rebirth and Resurrection. We didn't know why it was important when they showed the scene of Pai and her twin brother being born. Pai brother, unfortunately, died with Pai's mother while giving birth. Pai was a born-again chief of the Maori people! What I want to talk about specifically is the relationship between Pai and Koro. Pai and Koro relationship stood out to me the most. It made me emotional, sad, and angry at the same time. I was slightly irritated with their relationship (Pai having a hard time getting his attention, how Koro wanted a grandson. However, I learned that it was a lesson that he needed to learn about his grandchild. Koro also needed to learn that not all of the men in his family are born to be leaders (i.e., his son Porourangi). It was more so that it was okay that his granddaughter, a female was born to be the chief.  Koro eventually learned his lesson that he had to give his respect/trust to his granddaughter. She was the magical leader of the Maori people! 

Focus: The focus on this particular shot is breathtaking. You can see the relationship with Pai and nature. If you notice, this movie used a lot of zooming out (nature shots) and zooming in (faces). Pai and Koro are more in tune with their ancestors and spiritual beings. Pai starts to communicate with her spiritual whale form. Also, because of Pai unity with the old folk tales ways it brings her closer to nature. Nature is the key for Pai to have a closer relationship with her ancestors and gods. 

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Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Road Home

DVD Cover

Uh oh.... Not another black and white film.  That's exactly what I was thinking when I was watching the beginning of The Road Home.  The Road Home has an interesting way of starting off.   It talks about the present in black and white. It also talks about the past in color. 

"Know the present, know the past"

The Present

My interpretation of the black and white versus color scenes was her memories with her husband. It all makes sense now with the black and white versus color. Usually when we watch movies or films, they talk about the past in black and white and the present in color.

The Past 

When we saw the film in color. You noticed how the director uses colors such as pink and red, and yellow. The red was used a lot because it symbolized luck. The village was VERY lucky they were getting a teacher to start a new school. 

Love Story:
It was a cute love story, but you notice the color pink a lot whenever the two are together in the film. You can see the chemistry in the film. But because of the cultural revolution that was going on. You got the chance to see why she was heart broken a few times when it was time for him to go back to the city. The director found a way to combine cultural and a love story in one of his scenes. 

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