
Monday, November 16, 2015


The film Water really focuses on the cultural/spiritual relationship between Radha and Krishna. You can see that the relationship between Kalyani and Narayan was an instant connection. I believe that they were already connected by the universe. Just like how Radha and Krishna. Krishna pretty much controls Radha with her love. They are unbreakable. Even though Kalyani is a widow and is technically not allow to me remarried again. Her love for Narayan was so strong she couldn't fight it and had to marry him, 

Chuiya! I want to talk about Chuiya, she is the cutest character ever! I feel really bad that she had to take the bad wrap for Kalyani because Kalyani was no longer going to be the "prostitute" of the house, they took Chuiya for granted and made her in charge of taking care of their clients. I was so happy that Didi stood up for Chuiya  and wash Chuiya sins away. (Water is used a lot in this movie, as a symbolic representation of their religion). She then took Chuiya away and wanted Chuiya to be with Narayan because she felt that he would take good care of her! I do feel like Chuiya got robbed for her youth, and childhood. 

1 comment :

  1. Great post. I love Chuiya. She has so much joy, despite the terrible circumstances. Mimi


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